Friday, September 14, 2007

Oh my!

My package arrived today, and I am overwhelmed. The colors are gorgeous, and all the goodies are fantastic. Thank you so much, Jen!

I am Lisa from Houston, Texas. It is safe to go to my blog--I got the package at work, so I haven't had time to post a photo. I've joined a couple of other sock clubs, and they do not hold a candle to Jen's wonderful package.

I've been a knitter for 8 years and have known how to knit socks for 4 or 5 years. The bug didn't hit me until this year when I discovered all the terrific indie dyers. Also, socks are much cooler knitting during the long, hot summer.


Jen C said...

See how long I can resist looking at your blog, cause I really want to enjoy opening the box surprise.

Belinda said...

I am so excited! I can't wait to see the package, but will hold off. I should be getting one today, hopefully!