Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Just An Idea

I was reading that some wanted to make the body of the sock longer (well at least I did). I decided to not do the 5 rows of stockingette and instead to do one more (4 total) lace pattern repeats. I dont think it changes the look of the sock to much and I think (in my opinion) it looks pretty good. I also am not a fan of folding the cuff over on my socks so I rather do a lace repeat than the stockingette anyway. I am hoping that I have enough yarn and I think I will but if not I will be calling you Jen to get some more! By no means do I mean to insult the designer of the sock by changing it up like this so please dont take it that way. I am loving how fast this sock is knitting up and the yarn is a dream to knit.
Another question: Does anyone think doing a short row heel would use less yarn than the suggested heel flap? I was thinking of doing a short row heel (just because I like the fit better)


yaya said...

Hello; my name is Claudia B and i will like to know is everybody got the same color of yarn and the same pattern sock,i love my yarn it is very beautiful.


Wool Girl said...

I think the short row heel is a fantastic option if you like the fit better!

CurlyBrunette said...

So far its looking great with the short row heel and its fitting which is the most important part. I was worried that it wouldnt fit right because of the change. I should be done with the first sock soon if my busy life would take a coffee break for a second!

Wool Girl said...

I can't wait to see them! Just wanted to say too - the cuff is not folded over in the photo - it does kind of look like that, but it's not supposed to be folded over. Sorry!