Thursday, April 17, 2008

Mis pinturas predilectas de Georgia O'keefe...

There are so many to choose from, I find it hard to single out just one of Georgia's paintings.
So, I've narrowed it down to a few, and I'll give a brief rave of each.

"Jack in the Pulpit IV"
Rich dark petals bring a feeling of comfort & security...soft blue center of fire reminds me that my sole is strong.
~Yo me siento vivo/I feel alive~

"Pansy 1926"
My daughter, who's nickname is "Ladybug", this painting sums up her unique personality. She has a deep, rich and fighting spirit on one end, and a fun, loving, and free exuberance on the other, both compliment the other
~Yo me siento amor para mi hija y la apreciación para el regalo de la paternidad/I feel love for my daughter and appreciation for the gift of parenthood~
"Nature Forms 1932"
This reminds me of a dance, the way all the earths elements move in rhythm together, creating a landscape for life to thrive. ~Yo me siento como las respuestas a la vida tienen razón delante de mí pero todavía no contestado/I feel like the answers to life are right in front of me but still unanswered~
"Autumn Leaves 1924"
My favorite and most eagerly anticipated time of year.
I'm at my happiest, and peacefulness with nature during
this time. I absolutely find true inspiration with all
the rich colors that burst out. It's the muse of nature.
~Yo me siento como puede hacer algo y quiere hacer todo/I feel like I can do anything
and want to do everything~

There are so many more, but I had to pick the few I absolutely admire. I hope this post wasn't too long, I can't wait to see
everyone's posts on Georgia O'Keefe *-)

1 comment:

IrishGirlieKnits said...

I love them all! She is one of my favorite artists... I know, hard to choose just one.