This piece is called Petunia. Wouldn't this be gorgeous yarn???
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Carly's Contest Entry
In general, there is very little Modern Art that I enjoy. I'm a bit more traditional, but in the artists I like, I am generally drawn to the symbolism in the art more than the pure aesthetic. This is 'Blue Morning Glories' and I saw the original at the Museum at Vassar College. To me, this piece is a perfect juxtaposition of masculine and feminine. I'm very drawn to the harmony I feel in this piece, as well.
I've really enjoyed looking at everyone's entries!
Posted by
4:59 AM
Labels: contest
Monday, April 28, 2008
Contest #1
Posted by
Catherine Kerth
4:31 PM
Contest Entry #1
As I browsed through the some odd 200+ pintings of hers I came across this one. "White Trumpet Flower." For a girl who is getting married 2 months from today it spoke to me. It is purest white, just as a wedding dress. It has the most delicate petals, just like lace. It's soft sweet scent, just like the bride's flowers. Just thinking about it makes me thinkg about how every little girl dreams about her wedding day as a little girl. Her long white flowing dress. Her first dance with her prince charming. How everyone will be telling her how she is the prittiest girl in the whole world. Looking at this picture makes me think about all the planning I have been doing since October. How will everything turn out? Who will come? How will my hair turn out? What will my flowers look like? All of these dreams of mine will become a reality soon enough.
PS. If anyone can leave me a comment on how to post a stinking picture, that would be GREAT! thx!
Posted by
10:08 AM
Contest #1
I've never been a huge O'Keefe fan but I did find a few that I really like when hunting around! I chose Radiator Building- New York Night because I've always loved a good cityscape.
-Karen O.
Posted by
Karen O.
6:11 AM
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Poppies on Their Honeymoon
I hate to be cliche, but the poppies are my favorite. I especially like this painting as it has a pair - they fit perfectly together and compliment one another.
They remind me of France where I went on my honeymoon 10 years ago next week. We toured France together in early May.
In Provence the wild poppies are blooming and the countryside is a glorious sight, exploding with rich color. It is perfect place to drink fine wine, eat glorious food (at that time it was IMPOSSIBLE to find a bad restaurant - we even tried!) and stroll hand in hand through fields of poppies.
Jen, thanks for this challenge. It gave me the excuse to page through the old photo album and lose myself in beautiful memories.
Rebecca J
Posted by
5:02 PM
Friday, April 25, 2008
Contest #1 - Georgia O'keefe
I don't really know much about art so I just did a quick google image search for Georgia O'Keefe and her painting of Jack-in-the-Pulpit No. IV appeals to me. I just love the dark blues and greens. If it fit in with the colors in my living room I'd get a framed print for over the fireplace. I'm getting very tired of seeing white walls in my house.
Posted by
9:56 PM
Contest #1: How do you choose only one?
Posted by
3:26 PM
Labels: 2008 Package #1, art, contest, contest#1, o'keefe
Contest #1 - Georgia O'Keefe

I also like a lot of the ones others have posted! I'd see them and think: Oh, I didn't see that! So I had to go back and look at them all again, and find more I like. Her paintings just flow so well, and most are so peaceful and relaxing. I need some of them around my house. =)
Posted by
2:39 PM
Labels: art, contest#1, georgia o'keefe, sock club, woolgirl
Club Contest #1 - White Rose with Larkspur
Choosing just one Georgia O'Keefe (O'Keeffe? I've seen it both ways!) painting as a "favorite" is almost impossible for me. I think my favorite changes with my mood.
Today, I feel a strong attaction to the quiet, subdued, tranquil shades of "White Rose with Larkspur."
After a very busy, frantic, frustrating week, I really feel so much calmer looking at the colors in this painting.
I was thinking how I wished I could paint my house in these colors. Then I found this: someone had posted a "White Rose with Larkspur" themed palette on!
I'm considering printing it out and bringing it to the hardware store, and having them mix up a few gallons of wall paint. Unfortunately, my landlord won't let us paint.
So until we move into our own house, I'll have to keep looking at the prints. But I know that a "White Rose with Larkspur" themed room will be in my future!
Posted by
Susan C.
1:18 PM
Labels: contest1
Georgia O'Keefe

Posted by
1:04 PM
Georgia O'Keefe Contest....

However, there was one that called out to me and reminded me of a beautiful Kansas day from last summer. I was attending a Hackamore Clinic given by the very talented Jerry Wright. I, of course, was riding the most beautiful bay Quarter Horse in the world, my Captain Bell Peppy.
Posted by
7:16 AM
Contest #1
My favorite O'Keefe painting would be her A Sunflower from Maggie, 1937. My favorite flower is the sunflower. Its such a happy flower and reminds me of a happy face. I even call my son, my "sonflower." My best friend and I even decorated our kitchens in sunflowers, with her passing it reminds me of her and makes me smile.
Posted by
6:25 AM
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Contest #1
Posted by
9:56 PM
Georgia O'Keefe . . . Contest #1
Posted by
6:59 PM
Labels: favorite, georgia, mama llama, o'keefe, painting, sock club april
Contest #1
Here is one of my favorite Georgia O'keefe pictures.
I love these colors. Blue and greens are my favorite ;)
Posted by
5:58 PM
Labels: contest1
Contest Entry - Sky Above Clouds
One of the things I love about Georgia O'Keeffe is the way her paintings are like a mirror held up to her world. When she lived in New York, she painted skyscrapers; when she moved to New Mexico, she painted animal bones in the desert. I love this painting, Sky Above Clouds, because it reflects the awe she felt while seeing the clouds through an airplane window as she flew above them. I like to think of O'Keeffe flying all over the world in pursuit of her art - this small-town farm girl, who once gave up painting for years because she thought she'd never gain recognition - flying toward her dreams and painting them along the way...
Posted by
5:45 PM
Reina socks- sportsweight
I finished the sportsweight version on the Reina socks. I loved the yarn and pattern and couldn't put it down until I was finished. I knit four repeats of the pattern on the leg and five repeats of the pattern on the foot.
Posted by
9:33 AM
Contest Entry
The Lawrence TreeI love this picture. I am reminded of camping the the Boundary Waters Canoe Area in Northern Minnesota as a kid. This is what it looks like when you look up at the sky while sitting around a campfire at night. Georgia O'Keefe captured that perfectly in this painting.
Love the sock club! I'm a newbie.
Posted by
6:32 AM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Contest #1
This is my favorite Georgia O'Keefe. It's not the traditional flower, but it is in a similar style. Plus, I these are some of my favorite colors.
Posted by
10:46 PM
Labels: contest
Contest #1 - Georgia O'Keefe - Chrispy
I love the clean lines of this picture by Georgia O'Keefe. It is the Brooklyn Bridge. I can see a design forming just by looking at it. Simple and space but leaving the imagination to fill in the rest. I also liked this picture (scroll down and you will see the black bird and the sky).
The flowers of Georgia O'Keefe are lovely but this one stuck me by its simple beauty.
ETA: to change the pic to something that was not stealing bandwidth
Posted by
8:22 PM
Labels: contest
This blue is the colour of my craft room. I love to sit in there and knit, think, relax. As much as I love the rest of my house, this room is my favourite.
This painting reminds me of how I feel in my craft room. I am alone, alive, creative, vibrant.
Besides, this colour drives my husband crazy.
Posted by
7:32 PM
My favorite Georgia O'Keefe painting ~ Deb B. (knitiot)
I was born and raised in New England so this painting says "home" to me. There is nothing like Home, no matter where that is. Autumn is my favorite time of year. I love to go to the pumpkin patch and go on hayrides and run through corn or hay mazes with my kids. I especially love Apple pie and Apple cider. In my hometown, we have an Apple Orchard where you can go and pick your own apples right off of the tree and then go into the store and have some fresh cider and apple cider donuts.
Every year, we walked in a walk-a-thon and one of the stops was always at the apple orchard where we would be offered cider and donuts before going on our way again. These are some of my favorite childhood memories. It was a time when my whole family was together, before divorce disrupted everything and everyone scattered.
When I see this painting, all I remember is the happy times. Sock yarn makes me as happy as Autumn does. :)
Posted by
6:29 PM
Sock Club News
Hi there everybody! I hope that most of you have received your sock club shipments by now and if not, very soon!
There are just a few things I wanted to address regarding the sock club...
1) Someone asked about more details on the Mama Llama yarn. Catherine (aka Mama Llama) dyes this gorgeous yarn in the most stunning colorways. You can view more of her yarn here: and we also stock this yarn on our website here. We have a new shipment of Mama Llama yarns coming in very soon, so watch the website for those updates in the next couple of weeks! Catherine lives in Texas and dyes all of her own yarn. Both yarns are 100% Superwash Wool - if you received the fingering weight yarn it's a 3ply fingering weight and if you received the sport weight yarn it's a sport (or perfect) sock weight. Catherine may post more detail here also about the yarn soon! :)
2) This month's contest. I am in the process of updating this Sock Club Blog to include an area that is strictly for contests, an area for pattern updates, etc, but it's going to take me a few weeks to update this. In the meantime, and for this first contest, please just post here on the blog with your answers. Thank you for your patience!
3) We now have the Mama Llama Sock Club yarns listed on the website for purchase for Sock Club Members only. Several of you have mentioned that you love the colorway and want to knit something even larger with the yarn in addition to the socks. Well, now you can! The yarn is slightly discounted for sock club members throughout the duration of the sock club. After that time, the yarn will be normal price. You can order the yarn HERE .
Please note, when ordering the yarn, the timeframe will be approximately 3 weeks before receiving the yarn.
And when you have time, please feel free to check out the Ravelry Woolgirl Sock Club group!
Can't wait to see your photos posted here of completed Reina socks!
Posted by
Woolgirl Sock Club Members
4:01 PM
Tell Us About the Yarn
Could someone tell us newbies about this yarn? Who is Catherine aka Mama Llama?! The label says "Superwash" - is it 100% wool or a blend? It is soooooo soft! Anyone know where it is made/dyed?
Posted by
12:06 PM
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Oh my!
Thanks, my package arrived today. It is everything I had hoped it would be. I can't get everything else done fast enough today to get to it! At least I can touch it! Have a wonderful day!
Posted by
4:29 PM
Monday, April 21, 2008
I too am new to sock clubs and new to Woolgirl's Sock Club. What a package. I was so excited to receive my package. It came just 2 days after my birthday and a rough week at work. What an excellent pick-me-up. I can't wait to start...................after I finish a few other nearly done projects.
Thanks for all of the attention to the scrumptious details and goodies.
Posted by
Fiber Fried
4:54 PM
Labels: Hooray
I too am new to sock clubs and new to Woolgirl's Sock Club. What a package. I was so excited to receive my package. It came just 2 days after my birthday and a rough week at work. What an excellent pick-me-up. I can't wait to start...................after I finish a few other nearly done projects.
Thanks for all of the attention to the scrumptious details and goodies.
Posted by
Fiber Fried
4:54 PM
Labels: YIPPEE
My beautiful yarn has now met my favorite knitting chair. Sadly the socks will have to wait a couple of weeks to get to know the chair really well. I have to finish the ones I am working on and then the ones I have promised Hubband. Plus the fact that we will have rain soon and I am going away for a week. Soon though we will all be hanging out together in the sun, becoming very good friends.
Now to go find the O'Keeffe coffee table book my mom gave me a couple of years ago. Who knew it would come in so handy?
Posted by
Barbara B. Solbrig
12:49 PM
Labels: 2008 Package #1
What a treat
I also am so glad that I joined the Wool Girl Sock Club and can see it be something that I will do forever!! Or as long as Jen wants to do it. The yarn is so beautiful and soft. I know I am a pushover but all the goodies just made my day. I am so thrilled. Thanks for a great package.
Posted by
7:23 AM
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Just beautiful!
Jenn and Catherine are a perfect pair on this one! The color is so beautiful that I swear that silk flower had a fragrance to it...I can't move this winter color off my needles fast enough to start working with the yarn....though it will take some more looking at the skein before I will spoil it into a ball! Thanks, Ladies...It reminds me that there are just a few weeks until lilacs bloom in my part of the country.
Posted by
5:26 PM
Saturday, April 19, 2008
It grew on me....
No I'm not talking about some horrible fungus :) At first I wasn't wild about this month's color. I thought it was gorgeous, just not MY color. However, I have come to love this color!And its mine, mine, mine!! I want to cast on immediately but I can't. I have some other projects that need to be started and finished first :)
This is my first Woolgirl Sock Club shipment and I am utterly thrilled with Jen and her goodies! Thanks, Jen :)
Posted by
8:55 AM
Friday, April 18, 2008
I received my package on Wednesday and all I can say is beautiful.
The yarn, the inspiration, the goodies. All beautiful! Thank you so much Jen.
I blogged about my sock club package. Don't click through if you do not want any spoilers.
I do have a question because the pattern is written for two circs. I used DPNs and I am assuming that won't make much of a difference. Is that true?
Posted by
This Elf Knits
10:31 AM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
OMG Beautiful
I got my package today and, omg, it is lovely. I am thrilled with all of it. This is my first WoolGirl Sock Club package and I am so glad that I signed up for this.
Jen, the yarn is beautiful, the pattern looks great and the goodies. . . Well, they are just what I needed. You must be a touch psychic.
The contest looks interesting. I will be writing mine tomorrow, no time tonight.
Thanks again for a wonderful package.
Posted by
7:59 PM
New Member
This is my first year in the sock club. All I can say is "wow, wow, wow". I was absolutely blown away by the first package! Absolutely beautiful yarn, extras and presentation! What more could a girl ask for!? Thanks SOOOOO much!
Posted by
1:55 PM
My package just arrived. As if I'm not suffering from a severe case of startitis already . . . this yarn and pattern are just screaming out for me to cast on. Gorgeous, lovely, luscious, heavenly - none of these are quite good enough to describe the color and hand of this yarn. Ymmmmm!
I'm making a true confession . . . I hadn't known much about Georgia O'Keefe before this shipment but the little bit of research I've done since it arrived has me completely intrigued. Guess it's time to head for the library for a few books about her life and art.
Posted by
10:49 AM
Mis pinturas predilectas de Georgia O'keefe...
~Yo me siento vivo/I feel alive~
My daughter, who's nickname is "Ladybug", this painting sums up her unique personality. She has a deep, rich and fighting spirit on one end, and a fun, loving, and free exuberance on the other, both compliment the other
. ~Yo me siento amor para mi hija y la apreciación para el regalo de la paternidad/I feel love for my daughter and appreciation for the gift of parenthood~
I'm at my happiest, and peacefulness with nature during
this time. I absolutely find true inspiration with all
the rich colors that burst out. It's the muse of nature.
~Yo me siento como puede hacer algo y quiere hacer todo/I feel like I can do anything
and want to do everything~
There are so many more, but I had to pick the few I absolutely admire. I hope this post wasn't too long, I can't wait to see
everyone's posts on Georgia O'Keefe *-)
Posted by
Rocky Moreno
10:23 AM
I couldn't help but get started!
My package arrived yesterday. I love everything about it. The pattern looks like a lot of fun, and the yarn is super soft and beautiful. I haven't tried this particular yarn yet, and that just made it even more exciting for me!
As soon as I got home, I wound that yarn into a ball and got started! I can't wait to get home tonight and work on it some more.
Thank you so much, Jen! I'm so glad I joined the sock club this year, and I think I'm going to be a Woolgirl Sock Clubber for life!
Posted by
Midnight Purls
8:21 AM
My 1st Woolgirl Sock Club shipment!!!
I got the best welcome home yesterday, my Woolgirl Sock Club shipment was nestled nicely next to my plant at my front doorstep *-) It immediately gave me the nostalgic feeling of opening presents at Christmas time!
I plan to cast on for my socks today, just need to visit my LYS to get the right needles. I really love the color, and the subtle hue of blue, so pretty! I'm thanking myself up and down for joining, especially since this is my first year *-) I love all the extra goodies, and can't wait to use the Woolgirl Tote to stash my socks in progress, and the wonderful note cards, I can send notes to my fellow knitters out there!
Posted by
Rocky Moreno
8:15 AM
Jealousy!! Muahahaha!!
I caused it as planned! I got home yesterday and found my white box awaiting my arrival on my back stairs. I grabbed it as I ran off to knit night with my girlfriends. When I walked in the door with my box in tow, unopened they all asked, "What is that?" I replied, "My first shipment from "The Woolgirl Sock Club." The look on their faces were priceless. My one friend says, "I know I am going to be kicking my self for not joining this year, now OPEN IT!" When I did, the room fell silent. Then all of them shook their heads and said, "I knew I should have signed up!!!!!" They all "Oooooood" and "Ahhhhhhhhhd" at my beautiful new yarn that was all mine. And the lovely new pattern that was designed perfectly just for it. And of course, Jen's thoughtfulness as always with all of her cute little "extras". I love all of it. I can't wait to get started. This year is going to be awesome.
Posted by
6:55 AM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Great Mail Day!!!
Just opened my box and all I can say is WOW! Totally wonderful, can't wait to start knitting!
Posted by
2:31 PM
OH MY GOD! I am so glad I joined this year - this one box makes it totally worth it! I won't spoil it for everyone - I just had to say: Jen genius, absolute genius! The colors are my all time favorite and the pattern looks awesome! I can't wait to get started. Sad for me I have to wait til this evening to really dig in - I have to go wave it in a friends face first! hehehe. She didn't join!
Posted by
11:21 AM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The Boxes are on their way!
The boxes are finally on their way! All boxes were shipped out yesterday, so I'm assuming that some of you will receive your box today. Woo hoo!
You will notice in your box the details of the very first 2008 Woolgirl Sock Club Contest. The details indicate to post here with your answers. Please do not post yet. I will soon have a special section where you can post your contest answers, without spoiling the sock club details for everyone else. I will announce when that link is active (which will be soon)!
Thanks so much everyone! Hope you enjoy your boxes this week!
Posted by
Woolgirl Sock Club Members
9:18 AM
Monday, April 14, 2008
It's the 14th!!
WOO HOO!! Need I say more? This past weekend here in Chicago was miserable. It was cold and rainy. So what is a knitter to do while stuck in the house with three raving lunatic children? Cast on a pair of socks. I started YukonLeaves. I am using a yarn that was inspired by my friend KellyK. I hope that this project will help the time pass as I wait for the mail carrier.
Posted by
9:32 AM
Sunday, April 6, 2008
It's almost here!
Welcome to the 2008 Woolgirl Sock Club! I'm so happy that each of you has joined us this year!
The first sock club shipment is set to be mailed out on April 14th (with international boxes being sent out this week), and we're right on target to ship on this date! I can't believe it's already here, can you?
I'm leaving this first club shipment as a complete surprise...which means, no clues this time around! I want you each to have the full element of surprise and the fun of opening your boxes without knowing anything about what's to be included. :) I can tell you this, though...I've had so much fun putting this first package together and can't wait to see what you think. I know you will love the yarn as much as I do. It's amazing to knit with...
A couple of details that need to be discussed before you get your first shipment...
1) Each shipment will have some type of contest included with it. You will see the first announcement of the contest in your club packages...but that same week that the packages are mailed out, I'm going to be announcing details of the contests on the blog as well. This should make it easier for those of you who are more internet oriented rather than "paper" oriented. I also want to increase activity on the blog this year, so I strongly encourage you to share your photos, pattern questions/issues, sock progress, etc on the blog this year. There will be huge benefits to blogging this year, let's just put it that way. More details about this to come...
2) You should see your name on the left side of the blog, and IF you have a blog, clicking on your name should link to your blog. If you see your name but the link does not work, please email me at so that I can make sure to accurately link your name with your blog.
Also, if your name is not listed on the left hand side of the page and it should be (as in, you are a member of the 2008 sock club), please email me right away so that I can get your name listed here.
3) Please be sure that we've received a payment from you for the sock club - otherwise, your package will not ship.
4) I will be posting on the blog pretty regularly (at least every other week) with contest information, pattern updates, club, please be sure to check the blog for any current news.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts after the packages arrive next week! Thanks again for joining us!
Posted by
Woolgirl Sock Club Members
7:08 PM
Friday, April 4, 2008
Waiting for my sock shipment, just like the rest of you. I'm passing the time until they arrive by knitting these:
I'm using this yarn:
The colorway (Numi) isn't posted on the site right now, but it's similar to the Marina colorway.
I have some sock photos at my blog--maybe I'll get these posted once they are done:
Posted by
3:32 PM
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Newbie Relishing the Wait
This is how I am spending the wait for my very first Sock Club shipment! I am a newbie (Rebecca J) joining the blogging world! (My brand new blog is
Looking forward to pictures and posts of our projects as they materialize!
Posted by
9:44 AM
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
I am getting excited
I have been watching Woolgirl Sock Club shipments over at Alabama Fiber Dreams for a while now and have been jealous. So of course when the chance came to get my name in the ring, I jumped all over that "Like a tick on a Daughter," as I have been known to say to her. So I am very excited that I will be getting my first shipment soon. Of course, she won't be jealous, 'cause she'll be getting one too! The paths she has led me down in less than a year....
(I am CoffeeYarn on Ravelry, and that is the name of my blog, but I don't see my name on the side bar, yet?)
Posted by
Barbara B. Solbrig
8:18 PM
Hello Newbies!
A big hello to all the people joining the sock club in 2008. Wanted to let you guys know that those of us that reuped are reading the blog and are glad you are joining us. If anyone doesn't know there is also a Woolgirl sock club group over on ravelry where we occasionally drool over our newly arrived club shipments.
I'm greedily rubbing my hands together in anticipation for the first package. In the meantime getting my kicks by arranging my regular Woolgirl shipments in a festive way.
Posted by
3:09 PM
Hi Everyone,
I'm Eden ( amysticalmermaid on Ravelry). This is my first sock club experience and I"m looking forward to getting to know you and see your beautiful creations!
Posted by
6:20 AM