Saturday, May 10, 2008

I feel like a Queen

I've been a bit tardy getting my sock pictures up on the blog. These socks have been done for two weeks now and thanks to some rainy weather they're getting a bit of wear in before summer. Love, love, love this color in the skien and knit up. This is in the sport weight version which only took a week to knit up the pair. They fit great too with all the ribbing in the back of the leg. As always the woolgirl sock club rocks!


peaknits said...

These turned out incredible! Nice job!

Catherine Kerth said...

oooo, they look great! and it doesn't look like any pooling occured....right?

IrishGirlieKnits said...

So pretty! Makes we want to cast on!! Great job!

Anonymous said...

No pooling at all! This pleases me greatly

tapmouse said...

Forget getting it posted-at least yours are done! And they look fabulous! Thanks for sharing with this underachiever! (Yes, I speak for myself...!)

This Elf Knits said...

They look great! I'm a bit intimidated by the cables but once I jump in, I am sure it will be fine.