Friday, March 28, 2008


You could say that. This is my first club of any kind since joining the knitting world last June. Strange I know, It hasnt even been a year yet! Honestly, I haven't even finished a pair of socks yet. A sock yes. A pair, no. But I love sock yarn and I can wait to get myself into the knitting mojo. I have been suffering from a small bout of depression so my knitting has suffered. SO this is just the thing to get me going again. So watch out socks, here I come!


Anonymous said...

Sock yarn cures all! And you picked a great club to join--Jen spoils us!

Nancy said...

Purl is right--nothing like a new skein of sock yarn to really make the day happier.

gottaknit said...

You know.. knitting really helps me through depression, anxiety, and life in general.. sometimes I just can't wait to get to my needles. I know when you get your sock club goodies it will brighten your day...

Greys4me said...

I agree with all three of you and I can't wait to get my first shipment from this sock club! Ive heard nothing but AWESOME things about it!!

Knitty Kitty said...

Knitting IS my therapy. I figure it is cheaper and more productive!

I can't wait - this is my fist sock club too!

sock princess said...

This is the greatest club ever. I have a solution for the one sock problem, I knit both socks at one time but on dp's. Needless to say I have a huge collection of needles. I knit on one sock for a few rows and then change to the other. In not time at all, a pair of socks. Knitting will get you out of your blues, especially when that firt sock club package arrives.

Anonymous said...

WOW!! All of you ladies comments were great and insightful! I cant wait to get started!! I am so excited. Tomorrow is the first of the month. I think Mamma Jen said the fourth right?